About Siji L Masa

Welcome to Siji L Masa Trading Platform

Siji L Masa Trade is an innovative mobile application that combines the power of blockchain technology with artificial intelligence to revolutionize global trade. Our platform provides a secure and transparent environment for buyers, sellers, and intermediaries to conduct trade transactions with confidence and efficiency.

Our Features:

  1. Secure Blockchain Infrastructure:
    • Utilizing decentralized blockchain technology to record and verify all trade transactions, ensuring transparency and immutability.
    • Each transaction is securely encrypted and timestamped, creating a tamper-proof record of trade activities.
  2. AI-Powered Smart Contracts:
    • Our platform integrates advanced artificial intelligence to automate the creation and execution of smart contracts.
    • AI algorithms analyze trade terms, conditions, and historical data to generate customized smart contracts tailored to each transaction.
    • Smart contracts automatically enforce agreement terms, trigger actions based on predefined conditions, and facilitate seamless transaction settlements.
  3. KYC and Identity Verification:
    • Implementing AI-driven KYC (Know Your Customer) and identity verification processes to authenticate users and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
    • Users can securely upload and verify their identity documents through the app, streamlining the onboarding process and enhancing security.
  4. Real-time Trade Monitoring:
    • Providing real-time monitoring and tracking of trade transactions, enabling users to view the status and progress of their trades at any time.
    • AI algorithms analyze transaction data to detect anomalies, identify potential risks, and provide proactive alerts to users.
  5. Trade Financing and Insurance:
    • Offering integrated trade financing and insurance solutions powered by AI and blockchain technology.
    • Users can access financing options, such as letters of credit and trade finance loans, based on their transaction history and creditworthiness.
    • Seamless integration with insurance providers to offer trade credit insurance and cargo insurance coverage.
  6. Supply Chain Management:
    • Enabling end-to-end supply chain visibility and traceability using blockchain technology.
    • Tracking the movement of goods from the point of origin to the final destination, providing transparency and accountability throughout the supply chain.
    • AI analytics identify inefficiencies, optimize logistics routes, and improve inventory management practices.


  • Increased transparency and trust in trade transactions.
  • Enhanced efficiency and automation through AI-driven smart contracts.
  • Improved security and compliance with KYC and identity verification.
  • Access to trade financing and insurance options tailored to user needs.
  • Optimized supply chain management and logistics operations.

Join us at Siji L Masa Trade and experience the future of global trade. Empower your business with confidence, efficiency, and security.